Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 2, first visit

These posts are going to be short on words because we brilliantly forgot our laptop charger, so I am writing this from the iPad. I'm not fast on it...

Today was the day! We were so nervous and excited waiting for our driver and facilitator to come pick us up.

We first went to the DOE and signed some papers giving us permission to visit him. Then we were off. His baby house wasn't far. We met with the director, a lovely woman who clearly is happy Arnold is being adopted.
He was so small. Another girl from his groupa took the wrapper from the car off the ground and he promptly took it from her and returned it to our bag, after scolding her. He is an opinionated little boy, so....he'll fit right in!

I know you all want to see pictures, so I'll just post them here and I'll have to come back to write the stories when I can get on a computer again.