Thursday, May 10, 2012

A birthday

2 months old-Independence Day
2 months old-Independence Day 2006
Jake turned six yesterday. Oh my, what I could write about our adventure with this boy! Because I only have a few minutes, I will just say this: Jake, I love you. I love that you joined our family with a big "Surprise! I'm not what you expected!" I am only sorry that I had to go through the process of accepting our new path; what I wouldn't give to be able to go back and love you with the knowledge I have now, the anxieties calmed, the doubts quieted. You have taught me more about myself, the world, and the value of life itself than anything else in my life. Because of you, I have had the privilege of reflecting on what it is I place value on, what "accomplishment" really means, and the true virtue of patience! Six years old for you means a time of pushing the limits, asserting your independence, and realizing you're a "big boy" after all. It has also meant longer talks at bedtime, shared joy as you balance on your bike, watching you enjoy being friends with other kids, and being amazed at just how huge your imagination is! I love you Jake, and I love God for sending you my way.

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